Flashing firmware on the Pi Pico

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Very rudimentary for now - check https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bImqD-pQSA

How to flash the pi pico from the raspberry pi using openocd

Directly copied from a discord conversation

use the .bin file if flashing via openocd or the .uf2 file for flashing via usb mass storage

bridge the jumpers like on the right picture (you can leave them like this during normal operation, the idea is that instead of the jumpers you can use an external debugger on those pins as well)

Bridge-these-Jumpers-for-flashing-Pico-via-SWD and OCD.jpg

on your raspi do

cd open_mower_ros/utils/scripts/
sudo ./upload_firmware.sh /path/to/your/firmware.bin
Neopixel color
red during boot
orange - red flashing emergency mode and ros is disconnected
green - red flashing emergency mode and ros is connected
steady green ros is connected and no emergency mode is detected

(all voltages are OK, wheels aren't lifted, emergency button is not pressed)